Who can help with my question?
Who’s Who at VHF?
- There are two places on this website you can visit, HOME > VHF BOARD AND MANAGEMENT and VHF CLUB > VHF CONTACTS.
What is the status of a Veteran Application?
- Contact veteran@villageshonorflight.org .
What is the status of a Guardian Application?
- Contact guardian@villageshonorflight.org .
What is the status of a Volunteer Application?
- Contact volunteer@villageshonorflight.org .
I need to update the email address of a Guardian, Volunteer or Veteran?
Who controls the members of a TEAM?
- The Team Coordinator controls and keeps up to date the members of their Team. For example, the Photo Coordinator is responsible for all members of the Photo Team. The Team Coordinator contacts volunteerdatachange@villageshonorflight.org to get copies of the current Team Roster and to have updates performed.
How do I find help for a VHF function I am in charge of?
- Contact the Volunteer Opportunities Team VolunteerOpportunity@villageshonorflight.org .
How do I get something posted on the website?
- For fundraising items associated with VHF, submit them to the Fundraising Coordinator Fundraising@villageshonorflight.org . For all other items submit them to webmaster@villageshonorflight.org .
How do I get something in the Newsletter?
- Submit it the the Coordinator the item is related to. For example, a fundraising item would be submitted to the Fundraising Coordinator. Items not directly related to a specific Coordinator should be sent to either VP Administration or VP Operations depending on the topic.
How do I get something ‘Bulk Emailed’?
- For fundraising items associated with VHF, submit them to the Fundraising Coordinator Fundraising@villageshonorflight.org . For all other items submit them to VHF Webmaster vhfclubcoordinator@villageshonorflight.org .
Who actually sends the ‘Bulk Emails’?
- The Newsletter is sent by the Newsletter Editor.
- All ‘Bulk Emails’ related to the Vet Lunch are sent by the Vet Lunch Team Head.
- All other ‘Bulk Emails’ are sent by the VHF Club Coordinator vhfclubcoordinator@villageshonorflight.org .
What file format must my submissions be for web posting or ‘Bulk Emails’?
- If there are graphics included with the text, the preferred file format is JPEG, if not possible them PDF.
My file submission requires linking for either web posting or being bulk emailed. Who do I send the file to have it stored and linked?
- Submit the file to webmaster@villageshonorflight.org . If there are graphics included with the text, the preferred file format either JPEG or PDF, whichever is better suited for the content.
My question is not listed?
- Contact webmaster@villageshonorflight.org .